
Thursday, January 6, 2011

Discretionary Forex Trading- is it for Me?

Discretionary trading   is  very exciting if you ask me. Because the market is dynamic and never will you find the same market  action two days running ,so is the daily study on the market action and that's where discretionary trading comes in.

On the opposite side of discretionary trading, you'll   find  mechanical trading but this is outside the scope of this article so we won't be dealing with it for now.

In discretionary trading, we watch for quite a number of factor to come up with trading biases and decision as result of them. These factors  include the time of frame, the duration of our desired trade, news release, candlestick  patterns,global macroeconomics and so on and so forth. There's just way too many factors to be named here.

Now to answer you on the question of  if discretionary trading is for you, you have to first understand yourself.When I say that , I mean if you are a disciplined person  or are you pretty emotional. If you get emotional .If you get emotional, then discretionary trading can be  a very steep slope for you should look to mechanical forex trading systems.

It also helps if you are good with chess , poker or math for that matter when it comes to discretionary trading. Now take note that this isn't a proven theory, it's just one of my personal opinion and beliefs.

Go slow on yourself and take time to see if you enjoy studying charts and stuff, so, you might have a thing or two for discretionary trading and stand a good chance succeeding at it.

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